Why ISO 45001?
You may already have the predecessor to ISO 45001, OHSAS 18001. However, you may be under the uneasy conviction that your enterprise needs to formalise and benchmark its approach to occupational health and safety. In either case, an answer to the “why ISO 45001?” will take both parties back to basics, and hopefully bring some clarity.
Health and Safety Issues Demand Attention.

Supplier Eligibility.
If your company intends to work as a sub-contractor in any form, be that in electrical, mechanical, civil engineering, construction, facilities support, etc., “why ISO 45001?” is a crucial question. You will be excluded from any pre-tendering assessment process if you do not demonstrate sound corporate procedural control of health and safety matters. Likewise, if you engage subcontractors, you are vulnerable as a lead contractor. You must have a procedure to assess and control those working on your behalf. That’s “why ISO 45001″…

A Marketing Tool.
Holding ISO 45001 will immediately differentiate your company as responsible, trustworthy. You are of sufficient calibre as to take their health and safety obligations seriously. Investment in ISO 45001 will probably cost a fraction of a modest marketing budget. However, it will act as as a “distinctive” to your potential customers long after that glossy full-page ad. in a trade magazine is in a recycling bin.
A Special Fit With Your Existing ISO 9001 14001.
If you have recently invested in revising these standards, then here’s some good news – there is much commonality between the latest revisions and ISO 45001. It’s not exactly an “instant bolt-on fit”. However, all current ISO revisions share a common DNA through “Annex SL”. This means that working towards accreditation does not demand tediously covering common ground once again, but merely in different template form
A Special Fit With Your Future ISO 9001/14001!
Conversely, once the management systems of ISO 45001 are in place, they form a solid management system “framework” to which other standards can be fitted.

Why ISO 45001? Why Not? – It’s Not Hard.
Most larger SMEs and upwards will have their own health and safety policy, procedures and responsible person. These are helpful components of a suitable ISO 45001 system. We’ve observed that most companies are closer to successful certification than they probably realise.
As Much or As Little Help as You Need.
We offer a number of flexible solutions. Companies can take on as much or as little of the work of certification as they wish. By popular demand, ISO 45001 will be our next standard to be offered with range of support from us. Read more here.
If we can help further, please be in touch. Why ISO 45001? Well, hopefully we have offered some basic ideas.