What are the benefits of ISO 14001 ? Surprisingly, there is much common-sense found in ISO Standards. Sadly, some practitioners seem to enjoy making them over-complicated (and therefore over-expensive…).
Doing The Right Thing.
Environmental impact, and your business is at the heart of ISO 14001. Once certified, you will have a bespoke management system that keeps your directors out of court. Fines and imprisonment for breaches are imposed. Also ,a good pollution story gets media attention, but exactly the wrong sort
Why would my business want approval against this standard ?
It will be expected by procurement teams. Particularly true if you sell into government or local government based organisations. Tenders will also expect it, and will favour you during the tender process. Furthermore, your customers may ask for it. Environmental improvement targets are now common in corporate life. Performance of suppliers and sub-contractors is part of this process. Overall, your prospective customer may expect you to hold ISO 14001. Additionally, many of the controls are now

How Long Does Approval Take?
This depends on the nature and size of your business. What resource can you apply to the approval process and on-going maintenance? You may already have the necessary internal procedures in place. However, around these, we can create a bespoke Environmental Management System. Then we can audit its application to ISO 14001 (that is, does your system comply with the standard?) Finally, can arrange an external audit by a UKAS approved certification body. Completion in eight weeks is possible in the right circumstances. However, it all depends on how your company operates.
What am I likely to need to do ?
Certain areas of your business will have a significant environmental impact. These need to be identified. Subsequently, the correct processes need to be developed for the monitoring and reduction of their impact.
Generally, there are three broad areas of focus :

How is removal monitored and what procedures need to be followed?

Causes of pollution need to be recognised. Then control processes implemented.

Where possible, how can reductions be made? How can use be controlled and measured?
What will certification cost ?
How ready is your organisation, and how quickly can you move? As our fees are based on a day rate, these factors determine cost. Typically 6-8 days would be sufficient for a small business. Additionally, certification is required by a UKAS approved certification body.. This is usually £ 4-5000 for a three year certificate.
Every company is different!
We even have off-the-shelf kits for those familiar with certification to other standards, and we can supply as much or as little help as you require. I’ve provided a simplified introduction to outline “What are the benefits of ISO 14001?”, but it’s always better for us to find out how your business can specifically benefit. Please get in touch!