by Holly Lane | Mar 10, 2025 | General, ISO 9001, Quality Management System
OK, so you’ve got your company off the ground, you’ve got a few orders, a few repeat customers, the cash is trickling in, so how do you now scale that business upwards and turn that trickle into the torrent which will support your growth and future income? Business...
by Holly Lane | Aug 1, 2022 | Archived, ISO 14001, ISO 9001, Quality Management System
Typically a small business, say 5 employees, single location, will need to invest about £5k plus some of their own time to gain certification against ISO 9001 – is it worth the investment? Here’s a few reasons why it may be. First, let me state I am not independent...
by PsyphaDeejay | Jun 24, 2020 | ISO 9001, ISO 9001:2015, Quality Management System, Uncategorised
ISO management system standards have been impacting on the UK business community for over 25 years. However, there remains an air of mystery around even the common standards like ISO 9001. Hence the question and the title of this blog. Google tells us that there are...
by PsyphaDeejay | Jul 24, 2018 | Archived, ISO Consulting, Quality Management System
“What is ISO Certification?” More importantly, why seek ISO certification? Simple. Corporate responsibility. It appears in court cases, headlines, and the sleepless nights of CEOs. Thus, regarding ISO standards, the issue is simple. It’s not “can you afford to...
by PsyphaDeejay | Jul 3, 2018 | Archived, Quality Management System
ISO, QMS, and Reality. Sometimes, all three are out of synch… London 1998. “There are creative and helpful people, and then there are those like you.” So said a senior manager working for a very large international telecommunications company. He was head of a...
by PsyphaDeejay | Jul 1, 2014 | Archived, General, ISO Consulting, Quality Management System, The Diary of an ISO Consultant
So, as an ISO Consultant advising businesses on compliance with ISO Standards , I’m often faced with serious minded business people who’ve seen a lot of the world and have a slightly cynical view of the standard they are being told they need to comply...