ISO Toolkits, Nightmare fuel or worth it?

ISO Toolkits, Nightmare fuel or worth it?

When it comes to the world of ISO standards many businesses (especially SMEs) will likely stumble across the market of Toolkits. These ‘Bright & Easy’ products often promise a quick, cost-effective solution to building your management system. They suggest these...
Earth’s Destruction, One Device at a Time

Earth’s Destruction, One Device at a Time

I bought an iPad for my wife. At the time, you couldn’t play Candy-Crush on an Apple device, so it lay in our bedroom untouched for months. Eventually, I took pity on it, loaded up Kindle, and it became my portable Library. It worked well, had a good enough battery...
Leading Change and Improvement

Leading Change and Improvement

Having been involved in Quality and Compliance since the early 80’s I sometimes wonder why we still get bad products and services, despite ISO 9001 et al. One of the issues is definitely weak and inconsistent auditing from certification bodies. But I have a feeling...