by PsyphaDeejay | May 30, 2018 | Archived, ISO 27001
Many folks go searching for ISO 27001 toolkit. But is there such a thing as quick and easy DIY route to ISO 27001 certification? For a number of years, we were set against this “download a set of PDF templates and off you go” approach. We even wrote blogs warning...
by PsyphaDeejay | May 10, 2018 | Archived, ISO 45001
Why ISO 45001? You may already have the predecessor to ISO 45001, OHSAS 18001. However, you may be under the uneasy conviction that your enterprise needs to formalise and benchmark its approach to occupational health and safety. In either case, an answer to the “why...
by PsyphaDeejay | Jan 4, 2018 | Archived, ISO 9001, ISO Audit Preparation
CE Marking – Does it apply to your product, or not? Even after a quarter of a century in the quality and standards business, I occasionally get caught out. So Far, So Good. I wrote a Quality Management System for someone recently against ISO 9001, 2015. The senior...
by PsyphaDeejay | Jan 4, 2018 | Archived, GDPR, ISO 27001
Some GDPR ISO 27001 FAQ GDPR ISO 27001 FAQ. Our existing ISO 27001 customers are busy asking us about it. However,there is a forest of information on the ‘net but in our usual fashion, we’ve tried to hack through it and give an uncluttered but basic...
by PsyphaDeejay | Mar 7, 2017 | Archived, ISO PDF Template Download
According to Google, searches for an ISO 27001 Template PDF Download are frequent. Yet the “ISO Free PDF Downloads” we’ve seen are often incomplete and/or overly complex. Sadly, lots of the right words won’t impress an auditor. Our senior consultant was...
by PsyphaDeejay | Oct 5, 2016 | Archived, ISO 45001, ISO PDF Download, ISO PDF Free Download
Because of significant on-line interest, we’ve put together an ISO 45001 PDF Download (downloadable here). It address some of the questions asked about migration from OHSAS18001 to ISO 45001 Meanwhile, to add some context, Rob Govier, Sales and Marketing...